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The image also shows the high capacity of SAR in detecting sea-wave patterns, oil pollution on the sea surface (off-shore the Valparaiso harbour), sea waves crashing on the coastal rocks (in particular along the Southern part of the Punta de Curaumilla (centre)), and surface-features indicating sea-bottom topography (bottom-centre). 3 esa sp-4os February 1997 ISBN International Seminar Seminario Internacional The Use and Applications of ERS in Latin America Uso y Applicaciones de ERS en America Latina Vina de/ Mar, Chile November 1996 Cosponsored by: Pontificia Universidad Cat6lica de Chile Universidad Cat6lica de Valparaiso European Space Agency (ESA) German Aerospace Research Establishment (DLR) & Spot Image European Space Agency Agence spatiale europeenneĤ Cover image: Viiia del Mar Enlargement of an ERS-1 SAR precision image of the region of Valparaiso, Chile, taken on 21 May The topography is well depicted, as is the water reservoir of the Lake Peiiuelas (mid-right).

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